Category: Media Archaeology

Digital Recipe Curation

by Bailey Kelley While cookbooks or celebrity chefs may seem like obvious places to start in an exploration of culinary media, I have been interested in producing scholarly work that takes up the more ephemeral, but arguably more useful, recipe card. In a seminar titled Media & Modernity, I analyzed the ways individual recipes have historically been recorded, produced, and circulated, identifying three distinct epochs in the domestic culture of the United States*: 19th-century handwritten cards that indexed the housewife’s domestic prowess; 20th-century printed cards produced by large food corporations; and 21st-century digital recipe cards, like those found on food blogs or Pinterest. A subsequent research project brought me back to the culinary archives at the University of Iowa where...

Sounds and videogames

By Aurelio Meza Through a basic search on Google and Worldcat I came across an article on chiptune music by Israel Márquez (curiously, it’s in Spanish, meaning there seems to be an interest in this movement in Spanish-speaking academia), as well as a book called Playing with sounds: a theory of interacting with sound and music in video games by Karen Collins. That sounds more like my field of interest, but I’m afraid I won’t finish the book before the course ends. Tomorrow I’ll have a look at these texts, but for the time being I can start exploring some of the topics suggested by Darren, Stephanie, and Patrick. First, there’s the consideration about indexical association (one of the main...

Syllabus: Media Archaeology 2016

Collections, Platforms, Infrastructure, Signal Processing

/ July 22, 2016