Category: Media Archaeology

Mod Guide: Woozle Game Boy Advance Consolizer
This summer, as part of our activities with the Residual Media Depot, Alex Custodio and I are modding several videogame consoles while closely documenting our work. The goal of this project is to create a series of succinct, approachable modding guides that detail the tools and techniques needed for hardware modding. Woozle Game Boy Advance Consolizer The Game Boy Advance Consolizer (GBAConsolizer) is something of an outlier among the mods we’ve completed at the Residual Media Depot. Typically, we have focused on altering the audiovisual output of the device with the specific goal of maintaining more-or-less seamless embodied engagement with the platform (ex. HDMI modding a Wii to use it on modern flat screen television). The full GBAConsolizer mod, however,...

Mod Guide: Game Boy Pocket FunnyPlaying IPS LCD
This summer, as part of our activities with the Residual Media Depot, Alex Custodio and I are modding several videogame consoles while closely documenting our work. The goal of this project is to create a series of succinct, approachable modding guides that detail the tools and techniques needed for hardware modding. Game Boy Pocket FunnyPlaying IPS LCD Installation This week, we returned to the Game Boy Pocket to install an alternative backlight solution, an IPS LCD from FunnyPlaying. These letters stand for “in-plane switching liquid crystal display,” which refers to a type of screen technology, and it differs from the screen we used in last week’s tutorial, which was a TFT LCD or thin-film transistor liquid crystal display. At the...
Main Research Questions
– What are the discourse networks that authorize console-modding practices? Who can participate in them and who is excluded? What counts as valuable knowledge and what is dismissed? – What operations and techniques circulate in these networks? To what extent are these techniques borrowed from other discourse networks? How are borrowed techniques adapted? Are any of the relevant techniques sui generis? Which techniques persist and which fade away? Have any circulated outward to other networks? – What kinds of official and unofficial documents do these networks produce? Where do they reside? How public are they? – What sorts of institutions recognize and enable these techniques and practices, and what sorts fail to comprehend their existence? – What sorts of subjects,...

Forensics: Genesis 1 component-mod
What makes this Sega Genesis “High Definition Graphics” model 1 unusual is that it has a full set of gold-plated AV jacks added to the rear, for component video (YpBPr) and stereo sound. In this post, we open it up to see what's inside.

Forensics: Super Famicom component-mod
A forensic examination of the Depot's Nintendo Super Famicom, which has been modified with the addition of ports for composite video, S-video and component video, while leaving the functionality of Nintendo’s “multi out” connector intact.
Reflections on the experience of building an arcade table
During my week at the Residual Media Depot, I participated in a group of two teams, with 2-3 members each, and transformed an IKEA coffee table into an arcade table using after-market arcade parts and a raspberry pi emulator. In this post, I discuss some of the ideas that emerged from the experience.
Re-versioning as a cultural technique of nostalgia? – Final Presentation
Who or what creates the cultural neo-production process? Is becoming a classic the result of simultaneous acts from both the producer and the users who by their own longing create the process, or is nostalgia something that is created on its own and it then creates the whole process?

Press START: Reflections on the Making of the Arcade Table
Just as it is problematic to focus solely on an object’s narrative history, it is equally problematic to read objects as entirely independent of their cultural contexts and the ways they have been narrativized. The arcade table project ultimately allows us to to think through both aspects of a cultural object simultaneously.
Action Max: Notes on a Deictic Dispositif
The slogan for the Action Max is not so much a sales pitch as a finger pointed at the console’s own pitfall. It wants to be so real that it can’t be a game.

ghosts ; replicants ; parasites — Excavating the Spectravideo CompuMate
The CompuMate is starting to challenge some of my thinking, or at least provide some new territories to expand beyond a dialectic of living and dead that ghosts seems to traffic in. Particularly, as I’ve repeatedly suggested, I’m getting interested in the figure of the parasite.